Friday, December 6, 2019

2019 - Memory #1

The year 2019 was anything but ordinary. It was an action-packed roller coaster ride for me. 2018 wasn’t my year. In-fact, I’ve felt the same about past few years. From the outside, it looked like I was doing well. I had a wonderful family, a decent job, a great set of friends, I was gonna have another baby, life was set. But I (like every person in this world) was fighting my own battles and didn’t have much perspective. However, 2019 was MINE. Don’t get me wrong. There were more failures than successes, but what was different this time was that I made my failure, my stepping stool to success. 
As I sat down to write a blog about my year so far, I realized that there’s no way I can squeeze all the adventures in one post. And hence, I’m going to pick top 10 memorable events from 2019 and pen them down in 10 separate posts. 
Most memorable memory #1: Dance Session of February 2019. 
I was already five months pregnant (those of you who think pregnancy is 9 months long, you’re wrong… it’s 10 months LONG, but it feels like a 100), and was fairly large. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do a session this late in my pregnancy, but I knew that I hadn’t danced in a few weeks, and if I didn’t start a session, I’d be miserable. So, I went ahead and announced a new session in February (the coldest month in Seattle). Odds were against me. It was the snowiest week and I hadn’t publicized the class at all. I was most certain that not many people will show up, but I was going to be okay with that because I started this session only for myself. I went into the studio prepared to just dance by myself because when it’s a “snow day” in Seattle, everything stops! 
To my surprise (a pleasant one), over 60 people showed up for the first class. That’s SIX ZERO. The biggest class size I’ve ever had. And how many stuck around, you’d ask? Over 50. 

It turned out to be the most energetic, lit, and my personal favorite session ever. Where I was thinking of slowing down during pregnancy, this group energized me for stepping up my game and give it all I have. I took breaks (more than usual) and sat down whenever I thought I was running out of breath. I also had an entire room of my favorite people looking over me to ensure I was hydrated and that I didn’t bend down to tie my shoelaces. 
Well, with that kind of energy in the class, it’s really hard to stop. Watch it for yourself. 

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