
Seattle and Starbucks - The relationship

 So following the trend, we moved to Seattle a few months ago. Whenever I visit a new city, I tend to approach it with the only knowledge I have, and the only knowledge I have often revolves around a popular TV show or a movie. “So it rains all the time, people live in houseboats and ride ferry boats to work?” was my first reaction when Ashish told me that we are moving to Seattle. Cliché, I know. But Tom Hanks had convinced me that Seattle is all about gray skies and rainy days; and McDreamy rode Ferry boats and lived on top of beautiful green hills.... Read more

Turning 30

Tomorrow is my birthday. I hit what apparently is a milestone birthday. The big 3-0, the end of my 20s, the “old age”, twenty plus ten years. A new decade. A new beginning. A new number to preface other numbers with. The age in which you are completely responsible for your own actions and can't, in any way, shape, or form, blame it on your "turbulent twenties" or "being young."
I mean, I am still young. (30 is not old, let's make that very clear right now.) But I'm not on the coast-of-sure-I'll-"figure it all out at some point"-young.... Read more

Motherhood, a new perspective

People say that motherhood changes your life. It’s one hundred percent true in my case. I am no longer the center of my own universe, most part of my day includes me staring at my baby’s face and not mine ;). I have discovered strengths that I didn’t know I had. I am now capable of holding an insect in my hand, if I ever saw it in the vicinity of my baby. I no longer dream about fancy dresses and candlelit dinners, all I care about is finding clean clothes to wear and having dinner before it gets cold. Most of all, motherhood has changed my perspective of life. I have a new found admiration for my mom... Read more

Treasures are handmade, not mass produced

Buried under pieces of craft paper, mounds of fabric, beads rolling on the floor and piles of glitter; as I look around the mess I have made in my house, I feel a sense of accomplishment and I can proudly say, “I made that!” The feeling is no different from when we were young and created an animal out of clay. We would take it to our mom with starry eyes as she oohed and aahed over our amazing work or art. Was it art? Maybe not, but we still stood with pride saying “look what I made”.... Read more

Goodbye Blurriness

As long as I can remember myself, I know myself as this “almost” tall girl, with short frizzy hair, cavity prone teeth and thick glasses on face. That’s right; I was Ugly Betty sans braces.

I know the last time I mentioned my glasses on my blog I wasn’t too disappointed with them. In-fact I thought it helped take all the focus and attention from my otherwise acne attacked face to the thick “classy” frames. I thought I looked pretty in glasses. I continued to live in my disbelief and didn't succumb to all the remarks passed by those mean girls in school.... Read more

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