Monday, June 7, 2010

Quilling : My latest developed passion

For those less educated, Qulling is an art of rolling paper strips and shaping them to crate different designs. I accidently came across a blog of a dear friend where she had put up her quilled designs. They were so fascinating that I decided to learn up all about it. After a few weeks of practice, I’ve become a pro in it. Considering the humble person that I am, instead of praising myself, I would just quote a few people who saw my work:

Trishna, “Deepali, this work is radiant. You must be so proud of yourself”

Priyanka, “Deepali, you have magical hands. Beautiful work”

Purvi, “I cant wait for the day you start selling this. I’ll buy it all.”

Abhishek, “You are a pro dude”

Ashish, “I have never seen such a beautiful art. I am so proud of you. I can just stare at your work for hours”

Deepaish, “DJ, you are super talented”

Now I don’t remember the exact words spoken by all the above, but they were almost on similar lines. (“wink”). Here, putting up a few pictures of my work for you guys to decide for yourself. :)

My life has finally found a purpose. I dedicate my life to quilling. So much so, I have decided to make all my wedding cards myself. I only fear I might fall in love with them and won’t be able to part with them :)


Deepaish pall said...

You are actually superb in it dj!!
i just love it i am telling you this is damn beautiful!!!

Deepali Jamwal said...

blush blush

rajoojamwal said...

Nice work darling but dont dedicate ur life on them---- there are better things in life