Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Time... Please STOP!

WHAT? 2 months already? Time, please stop. Give me a chance to live every moment a 100 times.

If you are a new mom, you would know how difficult it is to take time out for yourself. Forget updating your blog, flossing your teeth seems like a luxury. Just brush your teeth and get done with it, you can sleep for additional 2 minutes. I have to cut down on my “non-existent” sleep time to update my blog.

I have so much to write about and pass on my wisdom to the other new moms, but first, I want to pen down the precious moments that I never want to forget…. When I press my cheek to his and cuddle him close; when I’m burping him and just smother his cheek in kisses because he smells so delicious, when his hand grabs onto my hands, when he’s falling asleep next to me he grabs onto my face with his cute soft little fingers and it absolutely destroys me, when I kiss in between his nose and his mouth and he smiles SO big, when I’m changing him and see his adorable little tummy, the softness and smell of him, his little jerky movements, his bobble head, his coos and “almost laughs”, how his eyes smile when his mouth smiles, how he sucks his tiny fists, how he attacks like a shark when he is hungry or wants his pacifier (it’s the funniest and the cutest thing), the sound he makes when I brush my hair across his face (it’s insanely cute and would melt any human heart), the way he looks into my eyes and lets me know with the most adorable stare that he knows I’m his mom…. I’m obsessed with this little boy of mine.

At least once a day I lean down, smell the top of his head, and think, Oh my gosh! I have a baby. I. Have. A. BABY! It’s still very surreal.

This little guy has so much personality already. He is so smiley and so much fun to hang out with. I haven’t met a person who isn’t completely smitten with him yet! Over the last 2 months I’ve laughed, cried, yawned, and laughed some more. This child is seriously a comedian in the making. He is much more interactive these days. As soon as I enter the room and start to talk to him, he looks for me instantly… talk about happiness, I don’t think it can get better than this. I know every parent thinks their child hung the moon and we are no different. Every funny, cute, and silly face he makes, I don’t just take a video, but also send it to all my friends and expect them to see it and comment back ;)

Don’t get me wrong, this has also been the most challenging two months of my entire life. It’s been tiring, stressful, and down right HARD (and did I mention tiring?) but the good has outweighed the difficult. With a face like this, how could I not feel like the luckiest lady in the world?

Here’s what my mommy mind has realized:
·         I’ve always thought of Ashish as the most patient one amongst the two of us. But to my surprise, I’ve shown immense patience during every sleepless night, whereas, Ashish has lost his cool a couple times.

·         Weekends are my favorite not only because Ashish is home, but because I can shower. Truly shower. Long, glorious showers!
·         I feel sad that everything I’m experiencing right now is temporary. It’s comforting to know that someday I won’t be waking up in the middle of the night for feedings, but sad knowing that in order to get there Ansh has to grow up.

·         I teared up when putting away his newborn clothes and remembering how impossibly tiny he was to fit into them. It’s weird knowing that he will never, ever be that small again. He is growing like a weed. I should probably stop trying to fit him in newborn diapers now. No wonder he’s been having so many diaper leaks.

·         Ansh loves his baths. He can’t hold his head up straight, but I know he tries to swim when we put him in water. He is extra calm in water.

Here’s another memory I would like to remember: Ansh started rolling over from his tummy to back when he was 6 days old (usually kids start rolling over in 3-4 months, not that I’m bragging ;)), and he can now hold his head up for more than 30 seconds. He is a super active kid. So watching all those Hrithik videos during pregnancy did help. This kid needs constant stimulation – hmm, wonder where did he get that from? ;)

Happy 2 months birthday my laddoo…  We love you to the moon and back! 
Meanwhile, here's something we created which I thought was worth a share :)


rajoojamwal said...

Excellently written beta. As usual a good write up. Reading it I for a moment thought I was experiencing all his deeds first hand. Well done.

rajoojamwal said...

Excellently written beta. As usual a good write up. Reading it I for a moment thought I was experiencing all his deeds first hand. Well done.

Abhijit said...

Ha ha..He is the cutest kid!! I can already imagine the 15 year old him being embarrassed about these really cute videos :D

PS: Yes..Deepali! He will turn 15 one day! :P

lubna said...

Great blog..motherhood is truly a bliss.