Friday, July 3, 2015

36 weeks and counting

Woah! I’ve finally completed 36 weeks (or as I prefer to say, I’m in my 37th week). My baby is now watermelon size and he might be born any day now. 

I am sooooooo ready to see him. My maternity leave has started; my nursery is decorated; the change table is loaded with diapers, wipes and creams; his clothes are washed, ironed and organized; the car seat is installed, my hospital bag is ready and the camera is charged. It’s only a wait game now.

Every night as I settle into my snuggle pillow, my mind races. What is left to do? Am I going to go into labour tomorrow? What will his eyes look like? I hope he gets his dad’s eyelashes…. Is it worth it to walk all the way to the other room for Tums? Couldn’t my bladder wait for 30 more minutes? The nights are endless and filled with both excitement and pain.

I wake up every morning hoping that I’ll go into labour today. Of course I don’t want him to arrive until he is ready, but I wish that he would be ready today. Slightest movement in my belly and my mind thinks it’s a contraction.

Tomorrow I see my obstetrician for my weekly checkup and I hope this is the last time I see her. I might come across as a little impatient right now, but I’m miserable in my HUGE body. My feet are swollen. I mean SWOLLEN. They don’t even look like my feet at this point. Random strangers on the street come upto me and wish me an early delivery because my ankles look like they are going to burst any moment now.

To keep me a little motivated and share some laughs, I have created whatsapp group with my friends called “Baby en route”. We are now placing bets on when we think he’s gonna come.

 It will all happen soon enough though!

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