Monday, January 12, 2009

Gifts: the real reason

Everybody loves gifts (even better: to be on the receiving end). As a kid, the only reason why I would await my birthday was: gifts (apart from the cake). Nothing has changed in all these years. I still celebrate my b’day for the same cause. Only difference being, expenses of a party/treat has to be borne by one self.

Everytime, a relative would come over they would come with lots of goodies for everybody. Worse is, when they call you a month before to check what you want. I do have a list of gift articles I want, but I also want to show some modesty by not demanding anything. I can send a list across to my sister or my parents but what do I do when friends ask?

My friend called me up a month before my b’day to ask what I want as a b’day present.

My parents have always taught me to refuse at least three times before accepting anything. So, I quickly said: “Nothing for me please. Nothing for me please. Nothing for me please,” and waited for him to respond.

He spoke next: “No Deepali, I want to gift you something. Thought I should check with you and buy you something you need.”

I had only three seconds to respond. The character of a person is decided in these three seconds. I had a few options - refusing his gift and telling him that I would be excited if he just came for a movie with me and be my guest, was the best option. The worst option was to list out the things I wanted from him.

With the fear that he might give in any moment and say, “OK then, no gift for you this time”, I replied: “I really think you should not take all the trouble.”

“It is no trouble at all. In an hour’s time I am going out for shopping and I could get you whatever you want.” He said.

My mind went racing. I had bought gifts for so many people. Before I walk into a store, I have always asked myself a few questions –

  • Do I really need to gift this guy?
  • Will this guy ever gift me back?
  • Is there a possibility that I am overdoing it - will he/she be happy with a Rs 200/- gift?

My mind came back to the present. I had to quickly come up with a gift item…else I might be gifted with a deo, an audio CD of old classics or even worse some junk jewellery. The problem with suggesting a gift was …I didn’t know his budget.

Pausing for a while, I said: “I am fine with anything as long as it is an Armani dress, blue in color and I would prefer it to be knee length.”

I finally said what was on my mind, “Oops! I almost forgot. Get me a small size”

My b’day finally came and I got my dress. The real problem will come, when his b’day arrives.


shifali said...

LOL! Hahaha!
Guess on my birthday I didn't have any such problems =p
Thank you =)

anukriti said...

alrite then. i know not to ask u about a gift :) i shall impose the gift. in all likelihood- a deodrant or some junk jewellery :)