Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The prime of my life starts now!!!

 “Age is just a number”, that’s something I started telling myself when I turned 30. I hadn’t really thought about turning 35 very much you know. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me until I recently checked an age bracket. I no longer belong in the 25-34 year old bracket. I’m now swiftly shunted into the 35-44 year old age bracket. Do I have more in common with a 44 year old than a 25 year old? I don’t think so. In my head, I’m still 18 (Only better than then ;)) 

So now here’s what I am telling myself, “The prime of life starts at 35!”. It’s the best kept secret from younger people. I am at the age where I believe in keeping it real. There’s no façade. There’s no room for drama. I’ve survived so much that I don’t waste time on small things anymore. To be very honest, I am at the age where I realize I have so much to accomplish that I can’t afford to lose my mind over petty things. Let’s call it ‘inner chill’ for the lack of a better term J

Today, as I reflect over my life, I feel proud of where I am. My life journey so far, has been like an obstacle course inside a dark tunnel (maybe someday I’ll write a book on it), but I can’t tell you how gratifying it has been. It has made me who I am today, and I wouldn’t change one thing.

Have I stricken off everything in my bucket list? Let’s see:

Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, River Rafting, Getting a tattoo, living in different countries, paragliding, jet skiing, riding a bi-plane, owning a convertible, hiking at midnight, camping under the stars, paying for someone else’s food, being home owners, setting up quilling exhibitions, volunteering, celebrating birthdays at homeless shelters, dancing with seniors at retirement homes, fostering dogs, raising funds, taking a big leap of faith and quitting my corporate career to follow my passion of building communities via dance, chasing my dreams, and amidst all of it, having two most gorgeous and loving kids in the world. It’s been pretty good, don’t you think?


I’m putting together a few lessons that I’ve learnt in my 35 rotations around the sun, and I hope to live my life by them. 


1.     Never shop when you are hungry

2.     The most important person in your life is you. Love yourself

3.     Everyone wants to feel important. So, don’t miss any opportunity to make your friends and family feel special.

4.     Be authentic. Let people love you for the crazy person that you are. 

5.     Take risks. You don’t want to be 90 and regret not doing so many things you wished you had. 

6.     Everything happens for a reason. 

7.     If you want to achieve something, go for it. No one is stopping you. Take that first step and everything else will fall in place.

8.     Plan your time well. You can accomplish a lot in a day if your day is well-planned. 

9.     Life isn’t that complicated. We make it so. Let your world unwind and live free.

10.  It’s a lot easier to say “No”, than you think.

11.  Volunteer.. A LOT. Make a difference in the world. Donate your time, money and effort. 

12.  Buy handmade products. Encourage local talent

13.  Love everybody and everything around you. Hug people, smile at everybody and do wrong to none (at least, not intentionally)

14.  Work hard. There is no shortcut to success.

15.  And most importantly, PARTY!


So that’s me done reflecting and planning for this year. Now all that’s left to do is eat lots of cake J


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