Friday, June 3, 2016

Life with an almost one year old

Life with an almost one year old sure is busy.
Ansh is going through so many incredible changes. It’s an amazing age, yet challenging too. I can see his frustration with wanting to do so many things all at once, but not quite having mastered all skills yet.

He loves doing things to get a reaction. He is easy going when being held by new people. On the flip side, he is learning to assert himself with mom and dad. He loves to put up a HUGE fuss when getting his clothes changed, face wiped, etc. It’s like end of the world dramatic.
He is now pulling himself up to stand on everything. He’s always looking up… thinking what can I pull myself up onto next? One of his favorite habits is to crawl over to Ashish or I and grab onto our hands and pull himself up to stand. We cheer him on and he just beams with pride, looking back at one of us to say, did you see that? It feels so good to be able to help build his confidence.
He’s a super speedy crawler, he screams when he crawls sometimes, as if to rev himself up. He zooms over to the fridge, microwave or dishwasher whenever I have it open. If I drop any food on the floor, I can be sure he’ll have it in his mouth. Silly boy!

The bigger challenge is with his feeding lately. He has been slamming his body into his high chair over and over like a wild animal wanting to be set free. He seems to be getting a real kick out of it because he knows it gets a reaction. Then he laughs and giggles like crazy.

Nursing has it’s own challenges now that he is more active. He loves to squirm, kick, pull my hair, giggle, FLY OFF, etc. Such a stinker. Sometimes he just giggles and then I laugh and we’re sitting there laughing when he should be getting sleepy, but what can you do. I want to embrace all these silly moments because I know they won’t last forever. But I do absolutely cherish when he’s sleepy and calm, like before a nap or early in the morning. It’s my “zone out” and relaxation time and I can feel the stress melt away when he’s in my arms.
He hates diaper changes. They went from being easy breezy to feeling like I’m wrangling a wild animal. It’s so hard to change him now that he’s so active and mobile. He will often flip and start crawling in the middle of it and then pause to look back and laugh at us. It’s the cutest moment.
I’m gearing up for his 1st birthday party. I can hardly believe how fast the time flew by. It’s going to be a grand celebration. I’ve chosen a Dr. Seuss theme and I’m making all decorations myself. I’ve been working on it for 3 months now and I’m very excited about it. There will be some 70-80 people. Somewhere in the crowd there will be a mom creepily-staring at her baby while hiding her eyes swelled with tears and smiling. Yup, that’ll be me. I’m going to lose my shit when we sing him happy birthday, I just know it. It should be fun. Who said first birthday is only for parents ha?
Only 1 months to go now!! And just like that, my baby will be a toddler in the blink of an eye…what a beautiful, crazy, wild, mind-blowing year it’s been. It just keeps getting better.

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